Project: Global Creative Hub

During COVID-19, Amna’s world expanded as she explored the vast range of STEM resources online, unlocking the power of virtual learning and digital connections. Her life as a 14-year-old Pakistani female was changed forever. In Pakistan, where 17 million girls aged 15-24 reside, only 18% of women represent STEM fields. Not only are girls discouraged from exploring STEM fields, but they are discouraged from having careers altogether. In August 2020, Amna launched the Global Creative Hub (GCH) – a social development initiative working to build the next generation of female changemakers in Pakistan and beyond. GCH programs provide STEM education, 21st century skills, career knowledge and leadership training to girls, while creating a safe space for them to explore, connect and become catalysts for change. GCH has expanded their focus from just girls, to also educating those in their lives – such as parents, peers and even teachers – by breaking down stereotypes and changing the narrative around a girl’s education. GCH’s 10+ initiatives and events have directly impacted 1,100 young people, 200 teachers and 50 parents in 15+ countries. In 2022, GCH will launch 5 additional programs for girls focused on STEM and life skills. Amna envisions becoming a global NGO working in developing nations to change the landscape of opportunities for girls and women. She dreams of pursuing a career at the intersection of biology and technology and continuing to speak on global platforms to inspire girls to bring change into their communities.

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Evan Wei-Haas