Project:  Badili Zone Organization
Focus Area: Education Justice

Claris is the founder and chair of Badili Zone, based in Mukuru Kwa Reuben, Nairobi, Kenya. Badili Zone works to ensure every student in the community of Mukuru Kwa Reuben has access to quality education, adequate learning materials and mentorship. Their mission is to find sustainable solutions that improve education while providing students with the opportunity to be goal-driven leaders and achieve their dreams.

Claris is a MasterCard Scholar, studying Mechanical Engineering at Ashesi University in Ghana. She is a 2019 Millennium Fellow, a 2019 Girls Bill of Rights Ambassador, a 2020 Melton Fellow and one of five National Gender Youth Activists to represent Kenya in the United Nations Women Youth Engagement.

Claris is a passionate advocate for female empowerment, equitable educational opportunities and a positive shift in political leadership, in Kenya and Africa at large. Her favorite quote is, “If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud,” spoken by Emile Zola. Outside of her advocacy, she loves to dance, enjoy comedy, read, socialize and code.

Instagram : @badilizone
Facebook : @badilizoneorg
Twitter: @BadiliZone

“I had friends that had a hard time going through education mainly because the support system wasn’t there.”

Bree Jennerjahn