Shreya +Nallapati.jpg


Project: #NeverAgainTech
Basic Human Needs: Education, Safety

When Shreya was 17, she was deeply moved by student activist Emma Gonzalez’s powerful speech. The speech addressed the deaths of Emma’s 17 classmates at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. Rather than posting thoughts and prayers on social media, Shreya was inspired to take action in a way that could affect positive change. She used her knowledge in machine learning and artificial intelligence to create NeverAgainTech, a tech platform that uses predictive analytics and data mining to identify and potentially prevent future mass shootings. Shreya leads a team of 200 young women who are passionate about computer science and social activism. They are currently developing a patent-pending algorithm that uses social media mining to conduct threat analysis. NeverAgainTech has been featured by Forbes, Smithsonian Magazine, Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website as well as in several books that focus on innovative solutions to humanity’s most pressing issues. Shreya’s ultimate goal is to dismantle the mystery of gun violence by providing data analysis that governments and schools in the United States can use to develop effective policies and respond proactively to avoid unsafe situations.

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Evan Wei-Haas