

Project: ROAR South Africa
Basic Human Needs: Education

During high school in Johannesburg, Andile (Andy) was a passionate coach to younger students on public speaking, speech writing and poetry. After graduation, Andy realized she could use her coaching skills to foster young change-makers on a large scale. In December 2018, Andy founded ROAR South Africa (S.A.) to build a generation of leaders who speak proficiently, inspire change with their words and share their stories with the world. Roar S.A. leads public speaking workshops for students in Johannesburg communities where there are no existing developmental programs. It has also expanded it’s programming into children’s homes and Boys and Girls Clubs, as well as created partnerships with libraries and bookstores to promote literacy in underserved areas. Andy recently launched a career program to educate students on how to achieve success in a variety of professions. To date, ROAR S.A.’s programs and workshops have equipped 2,100+ students with the skills to be effective speakers and leaders. In 2020, Andy will teach technology literacy workshops, develop a public speaking app, and host a Speaker's Festival. She hopes to offer programming in eleven South African languages, establish educational centers in rural areas throughout the country and establish ROAR S.A. chapters in marginalized communities throughout the African continent.

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Evan Wei-Haas