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Project: Earth Kids Org
Basic Human Needs: Education, Environment

Reece grew up in Cape Town, a city with a history that divided its people. He witnessed inequality frequently, particularly in the education of Cape Town’s children. Cape Town is also a beautiful coastal city, which became more polluted each year. Reece was driven to empower Cape Town’s children, especially in under-resourced communities, without access to knowledge or awareness of their impact on the environment. In February 2019 he founded Earth Kids Org (EKO) to provide children with environmental education and empower them to become eco-warriors and advocates. EKO delivers sustainability education in the form of childhood development games and recycling campaigns to create a generation of environmentally aware South Africans, to equalize education and uplift communities. Reece also partnered with local organizations such as The Chaeli Campaign to visit under-resourced schools throughout Cape Town to educate children and encourage sustainable choices. Since 2019 EKO has reached 3,000+ individuals worldwide through awareness actions, educated 1,500+ children in Cape Town and engaged an additional 2,000+ individuals in their mission. In 2001 Reece was invited to speak at the Annual Meeting on the Rights of the Child at the Geneva United Nations Human Rights Council. He believes education and taking care of the earth go hand in hand, and will continue his work until all children in South Africa receive a quality education and are informed how to lead sustainable lives. Passionate about children’s rights, Reece plans to dedicate his lifetime to ensuring children are supported during their crucial years of development.

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Evan Wei-Haas