Dior is a Latina Feminist Mental Health Activist. She is the creator of the People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project, a response to the invisibility of people of color in the media representation of mental illness. She is a volunteer crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line and works full time as an Outreach Coordinator for Project UROK, an initiative of the Child Mind Institute. She goes around the country giving keynotes, hosting workshops, and speaking on panels. Dior is the recipient of numerous awards, The White House Champion of Change for Disability Advocacy Across Generations, a Voices of the Year honoree under the Impact category at #BlogHer15: Experts among Us Conference, 2015 Alternatives Conference Cookie Gant and Bill Compton LGBTQI Leadership Award. She was listed as one of the 15 Remarkable Women of Color Who Rocked 2015 in Colorlines. She is a native New Yorker and currently lives in New York City.

Evan Wei-Haas