Stephanie Rodriguez, PhD is the Director of STEM Policy at the Afterschool Alliance, a nonprofit that is the leading voice for afterschool and summer learning across the nation. An immunologist by training, Stephanie found her way to STEM education policy and advocacy through years of STEM-related community outreach, and service as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation. While at NSF, she worked on efforts to broaden participation in computer science and other STEM fields. Stephanie completed her PhD in immunology at Washington University in St. Louis, where she studied the T-cell development process and devised innovative strategies to observe this phenomenon in live animals, in real time, using advanced microscopy techniques. She received her B.S in biological sciences from Stanford University, with a focus on microbes and immunity.

Having personally benefited from the generosity and attention of amazing STEM mentors, and still benefiting from those relationships, she values the opportunity to support young STEM enthusiasts.

Evan Wei-Haas